Warning symbol

If you think a child in
Brent has been harmed
or may be harmed call:

Telephone symbolTel: 020 8937 4300

Warning symbol

If you think an adult at
risk is suffering abuse
or neglect in Brent call:

Telephone symbolTel: 020 8937 4098 / 4099

Search page

If you think a child in Brent has been harmed or may be harmed call: Tel: 020 8937 4300

If you think an adult at risk is suffering abuse or neglect call: Tel: 020 8937 4098 / 409

Brent Safeguarding Adults Reviews (SAR)

You can find below SARs that Brent has undertaken and published:

Adult F - Decision not to publish

Adult G - SAR report

Adult G - Chair Statement

'Drake' - Board Statement & Learning summary