Brent Safeguarding Children Partnership Multiagency Learning Resources
The Safeguarding Partnerships are aware tht with increasing pressures and demands on time, it can be hard to find the time for learning and development.
The Brent Safguarding Partnerships 7-minute briefings have been created to allow our multiagency learning to be shared more memorable, simple and not clouded by other issues and pressures.
Clearly such short briefings will not have all the answers, but it is hoped that they act as a catalyst to help practitioners discuss and reflect on both their individual and collective practice and systems.
Each briefing may vary slightly in its style, but the important thing is that you use them to generate discussion on the learning themes/key messages in a way that is relevant and accessible to your team and service.
All of the cases are based on real people and events, but we have changed names, ages and family compositions.
We would encourage you not just to focus on those briefings relevant to the age group you support but to expand your knowledge base of other areas.
We encourage all agencies to record or evidence how they have used our 7-minute briefings.